Today the Multilevel Action Pavilion was home to a very important initiative. The launch of ”The Action Agenda: Shared Science Shared Future” is an example of the lengths that local and regional governments are going to in their fight against climate crisis. They are turning to science to inform their climate policy development as they target net zero.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) brings out periodic reports based on the latest and most comprehensive scientific assessment of climate change. AR6 was published earlier this year.
IPCC reports are high level, scientific reports. The SUP engagement process was the result of a desire to bring climate science down to the local level, where it could help inform policy and action at the city scale.
The same climate scientists who produced the IPCC reports worked with city, local and regional governments; cities and city networks; and businesses in every global region. The IPCC reports were read and analyzed by these groups and discussed in detail.
The result of the SUP Initiative is a distillation of the latest climate change science targeted for cities in 3 volumes, authored by the same climate scientists who wrote the IPCC reports. These were launched by SUP earlier this month.
The next step was to further distill the key findings from these three volumes and, through a series of regional and global convenings of scientists, city and business leaders, integrate them with the perspective of city and business leaders. The result is “The Action Agenda: Shared Science Shared Future.” The goal of this report is to inform local action, focusing on both policy and action.
The priority solutions and action steps identified in the report:
The action agenda is integrating science into the urban ecosystem. As Vera Rodenhoff of the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action said at the Multilevel Action Pavilion Session: “We need science: science-based decision-making: science-based policies and science-based action.” This initiative is an important step in that direction.
The report can be accessed here
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