The government needs to give more support to new pressurized irrigation methods which will result in saving water in agriculture and reducing water...
Main Cause of Water Waste in Turkey: Agricultural Irrigation

The government needs to give more support to new pressurized irrigation methods which will result in saving water in agriculture and reducing water...
Students and alumni of prestigious schools around the world have been fighting for to break their schools’ covert financial ties with the fossil fuel industry...
Text: Bulut BAGATIR While everything has stalled on this period, how can the tourism sector, which has a significant employment rate, manage moving towards...
TEXT: Emre UZUNDAĞ Now is the time to open a new Word document and write on Climate Change! I was planning to do a profile on how Patty Mills of NBA team San...
In the age of information consumerism where even reading a relatively long Twitter thread is seen as an occupation, the art should be considered a top choice...
Text: Emre Uzundağ, [email protected] Food has been modifying the human progress throughout the history. The relationship of food and climate has always...
The Turkish Minister of Environment and Urbanization Murat Kurum stressed that the memorandum of understanding, which will form the basis of the climate change...
Enerji Ekonomisi ve Finansman Analizi Enstitüsü’nün (Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, IEEFA) dün açıkladığı yeni araştırması, önde gelen...
Chief Climate Negotiator says Turkey does not have a luxury to be a laggard in terms of climate action as it is for own benefit of their citizens. Journalist...