The government needs to give more support to new pressurized irrigation methods which will result in saving water in agriculture and reducing water...
Main Cause of Water Waste in Turkey: Agricultural Irrigation

The government needs to give more support to new pressurized irrigation methods which will result in saving water in agriculture and reducing water...
The government needs to give more support to new pressurized irrigation methods which will result in saving water in agriculture and reducing water usage to...
TEXT: Sibel BÜLAY The session on “Circular agriculture for climate emergency” was held on Nov.12th at the Multilevel Action Pavilion. The panel was moderated...
TEXT: Sibel BÜLAY The history of hydrogen goes all the way back to the 16th century, where it was first observed in 1520. In 1700 it was found to be explosive...
TEXT: Sibel BÜLAY COP 27 is the Implementation COP, and finance is one of the keys to implementing the actions necessary to get to carbon neutral status. An...
TEXT: Sibel BÜLAY Today the Multilevel Action Pavilion was home to a very important initiative. The launch of ”The Action Agenda: Shared Science Shared...
TEXT: Sibel BÜLAY Cities are a major source of GHG emissions, contributing to the climate crisis even as they struggle with the effects of climate change. At...
TEXT: Sibel BÜLAY ICLEI has been working with youth from around the world in the belief that, as inheritors of the climate crisis, they must be involved in the...
TEXT: Sibel BÜLAY In recent meetings i have noticed the call for a change in mindset regarding climate change. I noticed this at ICLEI’s Daring Cities, and...
TEXT: Sibel BÜLAY Representatives from Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA), the recognized voice of cities and regions into the UNFCCC climate...
TEXT: Sibel BÜLAY On Nov. 7th, the opening panel of the Multilevel Action Pavilion focused on reimagining the financial architecture of climate action, with...